

Our Services

Electronics Waste

Electronics E-Waste is a popular, informal name for Electronics products nearing the end of their useful life. tharani is the Best Electronics Waste Management services in India, offers revolutionary E-Waste Recycling Services. Coming back to e-waste, it refers to all types of electronic equipment as well as gadgets which end up being dumped on land or water.


Battery led waste described as the discarded or unwanted Electronic products. Used Battery which are ordained for refurbishment, reuse, resale, salvage, recycling through material recovery, or disposal are also considered e-waste.

IT Asset Disposition

IT asset Disposition (ITAD) is one of the main operations that need to be done as effectively as possible. In this IT assest disposition service, electronics IT devices like computers, tablets and smartphones that eventually come to end of their life are recycled effectively with more precedence to secure data and with strategic e-waste management services.

Integrated Logistics

One of the biggest factors that are preventing producers from meeting their Extended Producer Responsibility guidelines as well as assists the recycling of their product is the integrated logistics solutions.